Finding of Lord Jesus in the Temple


Fancy letter My daughter, listen to My words about the mystery, which I want to relive together with you. This mystery is called joyful, even though I have shed in it many tears, and the fear that overcame Me is difficult for Me to forget. God the Father has revealed to Me in this mystery all that My Heart will go through when the time will come and when He will take away from Me My Son. Jesus did not belong to Me, I knew about it, but like every mother I desired to protect Him and I wanted to have Him always beside Me, so that I could do so. However, I could not protect him from the Will of God, eternally decided upon. Jesus had to leave Me soon. For love, time flows inexorably quickly and the years that remained for Me to nurture My Son were like a moment, in which I barely managed to enjoy His smile. Although the awareness of the inevitable future intertwined constantly through our life, as a Mother, I desired not to remember it; I desired to love and to give Him as much joy as I only could. But the years went by, and Jesus seemed to leave Me more and more for the life that was decided for Him by His Father in Heaven.

This first abandonment saddened Me very much, but what was it in view of the second abandonment, when Jesus left me not for three days, but for the three years of His teaching? However, what were these three years in view of the third abandonment that it came to Me to live through under the cross? My soul was being gradually prepared for the summit of martyrdom, which I had to endure in union with the martyrdom of My Son. And later, later came the long anticipation, long hours, long days of waiting for the Holy Spirit, who brought Me consolation, and after whom it came to Me to wait for so many years for the complete joy of seeing My Son again, without the misfortune of being abandoned by Him. I was unable to live without Him. Life without Him was dying, but this mystery taught Me that after every suffering comes consolation. Jesus has allowed us to find Him and to take Him home. It was not yet time; it was just a prick of My Heart, not now yet. And later, later He will resurrect, and with Him, My Heart.

This mystery is a joyful mystery because it teaches about the truth that no suffering in this world is eternal, and the joy with which God rewards the soul that accepts His Will is incomparably large in relation to the suffering. Suffering should always be accepted with trust, because in it and through it we become happy forever. Amen.

Translated from: Tajemnica różańca świętego z rozważaniami różańcowymi dyktowanymi przez Matke Bożą, na podstawie na podstawie Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne które własnie nadeszły, Grzechynia 2013, p. 31-33