Agony of Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane


Fancy letter From the first moment of loneliness that My Son experienced, I was with Him in My Heart. This loneliness grew and became more and more real. The Apostles were not ready to accept the Divine Will, in which Jesus was to surrender to ignominy and martyrdom. He remained alone, completely alone and only My Heart did not leave Him even for a moment. Torment are the hours of waiting for suffering and death that will come, for the chalice that will spill with all the vehemence, not letting a drop of righteousness, but overwhelming the innocent Heart of Jesus. Death? She is the beginning of a new life; so even though nature revolts against death, the mind accepts it. Suffering? Yes, it is terrifying, because its magnitude will be terrible. Over all this, over all these torments of fear, is however the death that can not be repaid, the death of those who will trample the Blood of the Savior poured in such great sufferings. What people do with such a Sacrifice endured with such great martyrdom out of such great love? Will it be appreciated in the world? The Body of Christ will become the property of mankind, now and then; released in the hands of the good as well as the bad; sacrificial, with love – through Veronicas, and flogged with hatred by her opposite, by those who will hate Love. The Body of Christ delivered for mankind will remain in the hands of mankind, forever open to gather in itself all the redeemed. However, in order for the redeemed to possess it, it must be delivered to the sinners. Oh, poor Body of Jesus, martyred from the beginning to the end.

My Heart embraces the Heart of My suffering Son. I give all its blood to My Child, I offer it in the desire of sharing with Him the martyrdom that awaits Him. In My remoteness, I endure My Garden of Gethsemane. As Abraham was leading Isaac, so I take the hand of My Son and lead Him to the place of His Sacrifice, where He is to be laid down as an innocent Lamb. With all the heroism and bravery that I am able to show in My motherly misery, I unveil My Heart, so that the sword prepared for it could penetrate into its love. My child is obedient, I do not have to lead Him on, I do not have to answer questions. My Isaak knows His place, My Isaac is ready. Love fights with love and after this fight, it embraces and strengthens one another with reciprocal love, and moves on to the Altar. The love of the Mother, the love for My Son, the love of the Will of the Father and the love for all people becomes the force that pushes Me towards the great martyrdom.

I am always present beside My Son, from His conception to His death, and if I have not departed from Him even for a moment in the time of greatest torment, could I abandon Him now? His Body is My body, His Body had its beginning in Me, so how could I abandon His Body? Listen to Me, My children, if you do not believe in My love for you, believe in My love for the Body of Jesus, the Church, of which you are the members. I will fight for every smallest part of this Body, I will search for it, and when I will find it, I will bring it to my lips and kiss it. How precious you are to My Son, how precious you are to Me. Without each one of you, this Body covers itself with a wound and suffers; without each one of you, it feels a lack. Believe Me, you can not take away from Me the Body of My Son, because beyond this one moment when I could not embrace it on the cross, it always rests in My arms. I am a Mother. My Son, while dying, enlarged My womb to hide in it all the redeemed mankind. My daughter, the Church is Mine, and I am Hers. The connection that ties Me to the Church is a connection of the Blood and the Body of My Son, which I have offered for the Salvation of mankind. Amen.

Translated from: Tajemnica różańca świętego z rozważaniami różańcowymi dyktowanymi przez Matke Bożą, na podstawie na podstawie Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne które własnie nadeszły, Grzechynia 2013, p. 59-61