Padre Pio

It is easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

~Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina





The battle for the Holy Church and for its deliverance form the incredible clutches of Satan draws near to its zenith phase. More than eight years ago, as a gift of the grace of God, I was able to understand that the battle for the Church will be played on two levels. They will be: the battle for the priest and the battle for the Holy Mass. Looking from a human perspective, the enemy has achieved a decisive victory. The priest has been led astray, unaware of his mystery of priesthood. With a vast ignorance or lack of knowledge, he becomes a tool to disarm the Church. Here and there single bastions of priesthood are still enduring, but they are being attacked with all strength from all sides.

The biggest challenge in the understanding of the meaning of the mystery of priesthood is a lack of awareness in the priest of the gift and the mystery of the Holy Mass, and of the place of the priest in the dimension of the miracle of every Holy Mass (Alter Christi). This connection of priesthood with the Holy Mass, in the Holy Mass, is a miraculous union of man with God. Such a gift is attained only by the priest. A breakdown of this union is a prelude of the end of the church. Where takes place the rebirth of the Holy Mass, there ensues the rebirth of the Church.

Today, Satan managed to break down this union, and convince the priest, that he and the sheep are the center of the celebration of the Holy Mass. We forgot that the duty of the priest, as well as of the faithful, is to give praise to God. This is the purpose of the Holy Mass. “Man was called to worship God. Now, in the past and in the present, there is no man that would be exempt from this mission. Meanwhile, people behave as if they had a free choice towards their Creator, praising Him or not, with total impunity. The freedom of choice is of course the right of every human being; however, man does not make this choice. A real choice is made with the knowledge of the consequences of the choice, while the contemporary man has been so deceived, that hardly anyone consciously makes the choice to serve God, which is what the saints do, or not to serve Him, which is what the damned do. Most of mankind lets itself be mindlessly carried away by a strong current, not doing anything to deepen the knowledge to understand where this strong, riveting current leads.  This current is the spirit of the world and it leads directly to Hell.” (Message of the Mother of God, Compendium II, from the Message for the End Times that have already come forth, vol. 9-16, Warsaw 2012, p. 146)

To help the modern Catholic in learning the truth about the mystery of Holy Mass, I hand over to the Dear Reader a great gift, which is our next editorial initiative, The Mystery of the Holy Mass according to St. Padre Pio. From the graciousness of God, in the days of 20-30th of June 2013, we have been given messages about the Holy Mass by Saint Padre Pio. The first four messages – these were personal invitations of Saint Padre Pio. With the subsequent five, Saint Padre Pio came upon my humble request. These messages became the basis for the delivery of over 30 sermons on our small internet television Christus vincit –tv.

The above messages about the mystery of the Holy Mass shook me up to the point that I can hardly discern 10% of Holy Masses in my priestly life, which would have been the joy of God. After the analysis of these messages, I introduced a few restrictions to the celebration of the Holy Mass. I call them, these restrictions, the five bases:

1) Without concelebration.
2) Without women and altar girls at the Altar.
3) Without extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion.
4) Without turning towards the people at the beginning of the Holy Mass.
5) Without a sign of peace before the Lamb of God.

By inviting you to read these messages, I remind the Dear Reader, that the ground on which the Holy Mass is celebrated is holy, and “the Majesty of God descended on earth, and makes you witnesses of this glorious event during every Holy Mass. God comes down to earth, yet He does not fully show His Majesty. He remains deeply concealed and hidden. In His humility, He does not show to the world His true power, but He humbles Himself, diminishes, and enriches man.  Oh My children, if you only believed in this great event, what a great power would have for you ever Holy Sacrifice. To meet with God face to face, to accompany Him during His birth and death; o people of all times, God is calling you during the time of the Holy Mass to participate in His Holy Sacrifice, in the most important moments of His glorious life! He is calling you not only so you may accompany Him, but He makes you partakers in His holy Sacrifice. Man does not understand the great mysteries of God, but through faith he can grasp them much more than he could make it through reason, because reason and faith remain at odds when God reveals his secrets.” (Message of the Mother of God, Compendium II, p.145-146).

The Rev. Piotr Maria Natanek, Ph.D. Hab.

Translated from : Tajemnica Mszy świętej według św. Ojca Pio na podstawie Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne które własnie nadeszły, Grzechynia 2013, p. 3-7