17) Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father was well pleased





Lord Jesus: I want mankind to know that My Heart is the delight of My Father. And the one who worships My Heart, will also be the delight of My Father. My Heart tells you about what My Father wants, what God wants. My Heart is the crown of the Father. It praises Him and loves. I want you to imitate My Heart in everything and become the object of delight of My Father. Seek the truth about My Heart and try to imitate Me in everything.

My Heart is love, is love for the Father and love for mankind. But the love of the Father is first. Only in it and through it, because of this love, I love mankind as Myself. The love of the Father is the beginning of everything. Without it the love for man does not exist.  Without it there is no Redemption and Salvation of mankind. It is the love for the Father that gives Me love for mankind. You have to understand that all good flows from the Heart of God and there is no good or love independent from the grace of God. In God is all love.

The love for the Father is thus the first reason for the delight of the Father in My Heart. After is My love for mankind and the sacrifice in regard to it. This sacrifice is the fruit of obedience towards the Father, who placed in My hands the fate of the world and the life of every soul. Obedience to the Will of the Father comes right after love, because it is its fruit. Without the first there is no second, and so on, until the smallest virtue that will be acquired by the soul. Obedience to the Will of the Father became the cause of Redemption and the eternal joy of the saved. My trust in regard to the Father was perfect. I proved disobedient towards Myself, opposing My human nature. Instead, I trusted above all the Will of the Father, so that His perfect Will, unrestricted by human nature and human terms, may be fulfilled.

The third step, thanks to which you will attract to yourself the merciful gaze of the Father, is the love for man. First of all for Mary, My Mother, who as the Immaculate Conception opened for mankind the gates of Heaven. She, as the first and chosen by God, is worthy after Him of the greatest love. The heart which honors the Mother of God will find delight in the eyes of the Father. From this love also flows out a particular bond and love for man as such, regardless of who it is. Respect for man, as the creature of God, especially beloved and exalted, gives glory to God. Goodness in regard to people wins over graces to the soul. Through this attitude of the heart, which directs love in these three directions, God receives His due glory and is pleased with the heart that is filled with that love. From it are born the graces and virtues necessary for the testimony about love and life in the love of God.

Daughter, if you want God to be well pleased in your heart, love. Everything else is a consequence of love. Be love, uniting in everything your heart with Mine. If you want to have the certainty that God the Father is also well pleased in your heart, try to never detach yourself from My Heart, always stay in its interior. Ask Me during each holy Communion to completely conform your heart to Mine. I will not refused you. I will do as you ask Me. You will love then with My Heart and I will transform you. I will free you from human pettiness and I will introduce you into the space of magnanimous sacrifice, whose fruit will be the purest love. Love with which loves God Himself. You will rule My Heart through a complete union with it. All this is prepared for those who desire, who ask, who believe and who trust.

Translated from: Kontemplacja Najświętszego Serca Jezusa, na podstawie Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne które własnie nadeszły, Grzechynia 2016, p. 62-65