3. Immaculate Heart of Mary. Treasury of all graces and virtues.


Mother of God:  … The Majesty of God descended on earth, and makes you witnesses of this glorious event during every Holy Mass. God comes down to earth, yet He does not fully show His Majesty. He remains deeply concealed and hidden. In His humility, He does not show to the world His true power, but He humbles himself, diminishes, and enriches man.  Oh My children, if you only believed in this great event, what a great power would have for you every Holy Sacrifice. To meet with God face to face, to accompany Him during His birth and death; o people of all times, God is calling you during the time of the Holy Mass to participate in His Holy Sacrifice, in the most important moments of His glorious life! He is calling you not only so you may accompany Him, but He makes you partakers in His holy Sacrifice. Man does not understand the great mysteries of God, but through faith he can grasp them much more than he could make it through reason, because reason and faith remain at odds when God reveals his secrets.

… man was called to worship God. Now, in the past and in the present, there is no man that would be exempt from this mission. Meanwhile, people behave as if they had a free choice towards their Creator, praising Him or not, with total impunity. The freedom of choice is of course the right of every human being; however, man does not make this choice. A real choice is made with the knowledge of the consequences of the choice, while contemporary man has been so deceived, that hardly anyone consciously makes the choice to serve God, which is what the saints do, or not to serve Him, which is what the damned do. Most of mankind lets itself be mindlessly carried away by a strong current, not doing anything to deepen the knowledge to understand where this strong, riveting current leads.  This current is the spirit of the world and it leads directly to Hell.

Translated from : Kontemplacja Maryi na podstawie Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne, które własnie nadeszły, Grzechynia 2014, p. 93-112