1. The faith of Moses, God counts on trust


God the Father:  My Daughter, do not be afraid. I do not proceed with you as I did with Moses. This can not be compared so directly. My Daughter, to this people, who did not know God, I had to give such great signs. However, they did not possess Me in a way in which you can possess Me. They could watch the signs of My presence, but they could not watch Me. You see Me present under the form of bread, you can possess Me in yourselves, in your souls and bodies. Moses did not possess Me so closely; he could not possess Me in himself.

Therefore, in you children I Myself am faith and power. I do not count on your strength or on your possibilities, no. I count on your trust and on yielding a place for Me in your hearts, on self-renunciation and devotion to Me. Then, I can freely act in your souls. Then, you are able of the greatest heroic deeds requiring the faith that you do not have, the courage of which you are not capable of, and the Love that I am.


2. The essence of God


God the Father:  Understand, I am the Plenitude of Happiness and I possess happiness. However, I loved you with such great love, that I do not allow you to detach yourself from Me even for a moment. I do it out of love. My need to love you and to protect you in this way arises out of love. It is love that does not allow Me to leave you alone. Of course, I do not need you in order to exist and to possess the plenitude of happiness, because I am it. I am perfectly happy, but My beloved, I act through love, I fulfill Myself in love and I am My fulfillment. I am a continuous flow of love. You know, child, that love needs reciprocity. It needs to move so it does not become dead. So I, as living Love, act without interruption. I have no need to act through love, but I am this Love, which acts. Do you understand My words?

Write down, this is the essence of My being, which is Love. I am it and it is Me. I am Love, and Love is Me. Do not be afraid, I know that this is not obvious and many things seem confusing to you now, so I rarely explain these things to you because you are unable to understand them well. You can comprehend them in a human way, and as a result you comprehend in a very incomplete and imperfect way. So the key to understanding God is trust. If you trust Him, daughter, I will be showing you things incomprehensible to a man who does not possess this exceptional grace of understanding.


3. Be like children


God the Father:  (…) Child, you are so small, you are as small as the smallest child. You do not need words of prophecy; you do not have curiosity about the world. The only thing you care about is Me, that I would be close and love you. Your soul desires nothing more. You are as attached to Me as an infant to its mother. I have no greater joy than taking care of such little children. You know that I have everything for you. You know that I will not refuse you anything that you need… how much joy it gives Me to comfort you.

You desire only one thing and it is precisely what I desire to give you. You desire love, you desire Me. O soul, how blessed are the moments in which you discovered the source of your soul’s suffering. (…) Will the father leave the smallest child and go to feast with the elders? Will I leave you unattended, even for a moment? Or will I rather always have you with Me; or will I make every effort so you would be satiated and not suffer cold. Your helplessness enslaved My Heart so much.

(…) I have no more important matters than taking care of the most helpless and those relying solely on Me. How I wish that you would all humble yourselves and be like children. But first one needs to desire Me. Whoever is happy and thinks that he owns everything is blinded by satan. With fate in your hands, of which many of you are convinced, you cannot come to the Kingdom of Heaven, for only those who rely on My protection can enter it. If you are kings to yourselves, how will you serve Me? The king must also fall on his knees when he will stand before the King of kings, and you are nothing and yet you do not want to humble yourselves before Me.

I love you and your great ignorance and blindness hurt Me, because even if you were to lose all your senses and only keep the awareness that you are the children of the Father who loves you, you would be richer than now when you possess all the wisdom of the world, and you do not know the most important thing: that all this knowledge is for nothing, because in My kingdom the wisest are the last, and the unaware and those who rely only on Me, buy the first places for themselves with their trust. You will not impress anyone anymore with knowledge and understanding, but only fools blinded by satan just like you.

The child, in his ignorance, is placed far higher in God’s wisdom than you, who have lost the basic truths. I am asking and begging you, children, reject worldly truths so I may reveal to you eternal truths. I feel sorry for your destitution. The higher one stands in the world, the lower he stands in My eyes. Whoever is dotted on by the world, this one distances himself form Me. I desire hearts that are rejected, despised and mocked just like Mine, which is not finding understanding among you since so many centuries.


4. God desire love, not perfection


God the Father:  You are not capable yet of giving Me perfect gifts, but My beloved, which mother looks reluctantly at a clumsily made gift from a child? Isn’t she rather touched by the ineptitude with which the child tried to make the gift the best he could? Isn’t the greatest love hidden in the imperfections of this gift? Do you understand Me now? (…) You see, I also look that way at everything that you give Me. Not on the effect, My daughter, but on the effort you put into making this gift, on the number of attempts you make, despite the fact that you still do not achieve the intended result. Now think how sorry I feel when you forego the chosen path, when you give up… just like a mother who finds a “failed” gift in the trash bin. She is hurt by this sight. After all, she would also have accepted this “failed” gift with love, because it is not the gift that counts, but the intention and effort, the time devoted for the execution of this intention, which is to make the mother happy. Beloved child, won’t the mother take this gift out of the trash bin and put it on a shelf just as it is, even destroyed, because in it is written all the effort and pain of the child, who eventually gave up further effort? Beloved, know that I place all your gifts in front of My eyes and they rejoice My Divine Heart. The most unsuccessful ones touch Me even more, because even more I see your weakness, which you must overcome in order to bring Me joy. My child, how many times I have to take away from you these gifts for Me Myself before you deem them worthless and throw them out instead of offering them to Me. But I desire them. I desire everything at what you fail. Give Me all this and I will be immeasurably happy with your every attempt to gift Me.


5. God is not bound by any standards


God the Father:  Remember that I am God and I am not bound by any standards. I am Almighty, and this also means that I can do everything because I allow Myself to do everything. My only limitation is My own love, through which I always act with love and out of love, keeping in mind the good of the soul. I love you child and if I give you graces, which you do not understand, accept them with an even greater gratitude and do not worry that you do not understand God. Small children also do not understand their father, but do what he commends. And so you, beloved child, do not fear what you receive from My hand, but be afraid of what the world offers you. Nothing that you receive from Me can harm your soul, and everything that you will accept from the world will be distracting you and pulling you away from Me.


6. You are fighting for love


God the Father:  My daughter, you know well that the fight for Me, for My Kingdom, is a fight for love. If after the fight you are aflame with love, if you gain love, if you have not lost love in your heart but multiplied it, it means that you have won the battle and you are bringing My Kingdom closer. However, if you have defeated enemies only in the human sense, if you have humiliated them, inflicted pain and crushed them while losing love, you have lost and your defeat saddens Me very much. Thus, remember that in every fight you fight for Me, you fight for love. Those who forget about it and lose Me are mistaken, and they fight only for themselves and about themselves, for their ideas, plans and arguments, not for Mine.

Remember, whoever the enemy is, defeat him by gaining love. Every oppression, torment or persecution serves to multiply this treasure, which is love. It is completely irrelevant whether you fight against man or against time, a weakness, your own body, a temptation or the whole world. Whatever the obstacle would be on your path, your goal remains unchangeable. Multiply love, show magnanimity, have pity towards the lack of mercy and ruthlessness, be patient in torments and trials, and remain pure and unblemished in the heart, which should be continually expanded by the love growing in it.

If you do penance and lose love, if you fast and get angry, stop. Your efforts are for nothing. Give Me half of your sacrifice, but do not let love escape you, because we are not fighting for sacrifices, but for love. Remember, in every sacrifice that you offer to Me, I demand love. Love is like wine that imparts nobility to the whole dish. I desire simplicity, but do not forget that I am God and I am not interested in the oxen and the calves, but the sacrifice of the heart, which you offer to Me at the same time.


7. Sacrifices without love


God the Father:  I will speak to you, daughter. Sacrifices without love are for nothing. They lead to exaltation over neighbors, to their hatred and jealousy. Love fills everything and waters everything. By taking away the world, it replaces everything by itself and fills everything. However, sacrifices without love leave a void, which creates frustration and devastates the purity of the soul. The soul filled with grief begins to feel a growing aversion for her brothers, and over time for God Himself, who seems to her to be the cause of all her misfortunes and sadness. Sadness, however, is the result of persistence in mortifications for no reason and with no result. The reason for mortifications should be love and their result should be the multiplication of love. No one, who mortifies himself and renounces the world because of his own pride and the need to be exalted above others, can experience the relief flowing from the mortification of the body.

I am telling you this, because many of you are surpassing each other in different mortifications without being aware of their meaning. Every sacrifice must flow out of love; then I receive glory. If this love is a love for souls, if you bring Me your sacrifices out of pity for them, I accept them and I also receive My glory, because then you imitate My Son, whom I have given to you as a role model for all behavior.

Translated from : Kontemplacja Boga Ojca. Tato, jestem. Grzechynia 2015, p. 215-223