1. The power of free will


God the Father:  Remember that your prayer, your daily offering to My Will, is your daily kiss for My Heart. My dearest creature, can a daughter greet more affectionately the Father, than to place a kiss on His Soul and relieve Him of the suffering and the bitterness, which He constantly comes to receive from the hands of His other children?

Kiss me more, giving to Me completely all your intentions, all your desires. Your will is what makes Me happy. Your will is more valuable to Me than everything that I have created. By giving Me your will, you make Me happy, you make Me the richest of fathers, the happiest God, the Ruler who has finally been loved. If you would like to give Me anything, there is nothing that would mean more to Me. This is the most that you can give Me. By confessing to Me your desire that I receive and take away your will, you give Me unspeakable bliss, you fill Me with happiness. By renewing this act every day, you prolong My happiness. Every day I enjoy it again, as if I heard your words for the first time. I forget about everything that hurt Me and I look at you as My greatest treasure on Earth, My heritage, as My own Blood.

Daughter, remember these words and believe Me blindly. The power of the free will has authority over God Himself. It is a dimension to which I Myself have no access, and man is as if free from My authority. He does not have to submit to it, he does not have to serve Me out of love or out of fear. He makes his own decision, because I granted him this grace. However, this is an eternal decision. I took the risk of losing souls, because the human soul differs from other creatures in that she can decide for herself what she desires, does not have to love Me, is free to choose just like Me and in this is similar to Me, rules over the created world on Earth, and decides herself about her own destiny. I do not force anyone to believe in Me or to serve Me. That is why I am ready to exalt above everything the soul who gives Me everything out of love, who want to serve Me out of love. Yes, I am ready to move mountains for her, because nothing is difficult for Me. Nothing and nothing. I can do everything.


2. He who receives worship from another creature, he takes it away from Me


Lord Jesus:  The more a priest is united with My Will, the more strength I give him to go in My name and perform miracles. However, the more his will overrides Mine, the more graces he loses. Remember that man does not need to understand My will in order to fulfill it. You will have all eternity to contemplate My love and perfection,  which I have revealed in your life. One day the entire truth will be shown to you and you will get to know all your just and impious actions, all your pride and My humility. On this day, you will look into your interiors and you will be healed from this pride or, to the contrary, this pride will vanquish you. I will then support those who will genuinely cry, I will lead them and assist them, and I will help the hearts sincerely searching for Me. However, it will depend on you if you will receive the help.


Translated from : Kompendium VI z Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne, które własnie nadeszły (z tomów 17-22), Warszawa 2014, p 79-85