1. Lazy in faith


Lord Jesus:  My beloved daughter, the time of My Kingdom has not yet come. Those who think that I reign are mistaken. Ah, I am a King, but in exile. My subjects are threatening Me that if I will be demanding more, they will remove all memory of Me from among My people. Do not forget about Me, pave the way for Me, because when I will return I will be clothed in purple. I will demand from you an account from all your days. How much of the time given to you on Earth did you sacrifice for the spreading of My Kingdom? By fighting for Me, you will achieve Heaven faster than all those who consecrate their lives to Me, but are afraid of risking to lose it. Why are you afraid of losing your goods, your positions ? Because you posses too much, and through an undue dependency on temporal goods, you have lost faith.


Translated from : Kompendium V z Orędzi na Czasy Ostateczne, które własnie nadeszły (z tomów 17-22), Warszawa 2014, p 89-95